You’ve Submitted A Locate Request. What Happens Next?
Thank you for notifying JULIE before digging. As you know, this is a free service to protect yourself, your family and underground utilities.
You should have been provided with a Dig Number that identifies specific information about your locate request.
It is important that you retain this number as proof of your contact with JULIE. You will need to refer to your dig number if it becomes necessary for you to contact JULIE for a second request, refresh or remark at your excavation site. JULIE agents are available 24/7 to assist with any questions.
When Can I Start My Project?
You may not begin your excavation before the dig start date and time, even if all the underground utility lines have been located and marked. State law requires your digging project to begin within 14 days of the issuance of your JULIE Dig Number.
Have My Underground Lines Been Marked?
Excavation should be carefully performed only after confirming that all member utilities have marked the location of their underground lines or notified you that they have no buried lines in the area. Click here to view color codes. If any of the member utilities listed on your locate request ticket have not responded or, if it is clear that an underground utility line has not been marked, contact JULIE at 811 or 800-892-0123. Agents are available 24/7/365.
If at any time during excavation markings are no longer visible, you are required to have the markings refreshed by using our free, online tool Remark-Extend-View (REV) or contacting JULIE at 811 or 800-892-0123.
How Do You Dig Carefully Within The Tolerance Zone?
What Are Private Lines?
Member utility companies do not mark non-utility owned or privately installed lines. Examples of private lines can include, but are not limited to, water and sewer lines from the street to the house, electric and telephone lines from the house to a garage or shed, gas grills and pool heaters, underground sprinkler systems, and invisible fences for pets.
How Do I Request An Extension?
You may extend your locate request ticket between day 20 and day 28 online using Remark-Extend-View (REV) or by calling 811 or 800-892-0123. Extended tickets will receive a new 28-day ticket life that starts on the date the extension request was made.
- Only new/normal locate request tickets can be extended. Emergency, damage, design stage, short-notice and joint meet locate requests cannot be extended.
- No changes can be made to the jobsite address, extent of work or work type on an extended locate request ticket. A new locate request must be issued if any of these changes are required. Remarks can be added to an extended locate request to specify a certain area be re-marked instead of the entire extent shown on the initial locate request.
- Extended locate request tickets are considered a request for utility marks unless the caller specifically states no marks are needed. If marks are requested, they require 3 days advance notice. Extensions requested within the last 3 days of a locate request may delay your excavation project until the facility owners have marked.
- Locate request extensions maintain the same dig number as the initial locate request for a period of up to 5 months from the initial call. Projects that require a longer period to complete will be issued a new dig number at the end of the five-month period.
- JULIE’s servers will do a new member lookup during each extend operation to see if there is a new utility line owner near the jobsite to be notified.
Refresh Vs. Extension
If weather, construction activity or vandalism erode the markings, a refresh (a request for remarks) is necessary. A refresh request does not extend the ticket life. The excavator must specifically request an extension if the project is scheduled to go beyond the 28 days ticket life.