Be Safe. Contact JULIE.
If you live anywhere in the state of Illinois, you’re required by law to have underground utility lines marked before you dig. Call 811…it’s easy and FREE. Streamline the process by clicking here to see what information you need before you call.
State of Illinois (Outside of the City of Chicago)
If you’re planning any digging activity on property outside the City of Chicago, you have two call options to make a locate request:
- 811 the national call before you dig phone number goes directly to JULIE
- (800) 892-0123 JULIE’s toll-free number
Agents are available 24/7 and services are FREE.
Member utility companies have 3 days to respond to your request.
Prefer the convenience of submitting a locate request online?
Within The City of Chicago
Digging within City of Chicago limits? Call 811 or (312) 744-7000. Visit 811 Chicago for more information.