JULIE was established to be the communication center for professional excavators and homeowners working around underground utility facilities in Illinois, outside the City of Chicago. By understanding the importance of 811 and safe excavation practices, you can reduce the risk of injury and damage to vital infrastructure. Always contact JULIE before you dig! It’s a free service.

Overview and Mission

Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators (JULIE):

  • Operates as the statewide notification center system
  • Is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to keeping Illinois safe and connected
  • Is open 24/7/365 and has more than 100 employees
  • Has logged over 37 million calls since its inception in 1974
  • Is one of the largest industry notification center systems in the United States
  • Receives more than 70 percent of its locate requests online through self-service options
  • Processes more than 1.6 million locate requests annually, which results in more than 10 million messages being transmitted to members

JULIE’s mission is to provide Illinois excavators and underground utility facility owners with a continuously improving notification center message processing and damage prevention education service for the safety and protection of underground utility facilities and the community.

JULIE does not own, operate or mark any underground utility facilities.

Coverage Area

JULIE covers the entire state of Illinois, excluding the City of Chicago. If planning to dig in Chicago, contact 811 Chicago.


With more than 2,000 members, JULIE is funded by the membership which pays to receive notifications about proposed excavation activity happening around their infrastructure. This funding covers JULIE operating costs, education, safety and public awareness efforts, and provides the free locate request notification process to excavators. Contact members directly for the following issues:

  • Report damage to any type of facility (the Act also requires excavators to notify JULIE and, if appropriate, 911)
  • Report any type of service outage
  • Resolve billing problems or claims issues
  • Request any type of facility removal or relocation (including meter removals prior to the demolition of a building)

Board of Directors

JULIE is governed by a Board of Directors that sets policy and strategic direction for the corporation. The Board includes representatives of various stakeholders throughout Illinois who attend quarterly meetings and various training programs offered during the year. Elections are conducted at JULIE’s Annual Meeting.

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