JULIE can receive and process several different types of requests, including the following.


A Normal Locate Request is the most common type of request and requires at least two business days (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) notice, excluding weekends and holidays. JULIE policy limits the extent of a locate request to ¼ mile within a municipality and one (1) mile within any unincorporated area, which includes townships.


An Emergency Locate Request is defined in state law as a locate request for any condition constituting an imminent danger to life, health or property, or a utility service outage, and which requires repair or action before the expiration of 48 hours.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

  1. An unforeseen excavation necessary in order to prevent a condition that poses a clear and imminent danger to life or health
  2. An excavation required to repair a utility service outage
  3. An immediate excavation required in order to prevent significant property or environmental danger

The reinstallation of traffic control devices and an open cut utility locate shall be deemed an emergency according to Section 6 of the Act.

Guidelines for Making An Emergency Locate Request

When calling JULIE at 811 or (800) 892-0123, callers are prompted to press “5” for an emergency locate request. Inform the agent that an emergency exists and be prepared to explain the situation and/or conditions. The agent will prepare an emergency locate request and note the planned start time. You must provide a phone number that will be answered by someone who can further explain the situation or accept an “all clear” notification.

There is a wait time of two (2) hours or the date and time requested on the notice, whichever is longer. If the conditions at the site dictate an earlier start time than the required wait time, it is the responsibility of the excavator to dig carefully, and be able to demonstrate that site conditions warranted this earlier start time.

If a facility owner(s) does not respond within the required time, call JULIE and indicate which facility owner(s) has not responded. JULIE will send another request to the appropriate facility owner(s). Be specific on which company failed to respond.

JULIE assumes that all callers provide accurate information regarding emergency situations. Work scheduling issues and/or lack of timely notification on the excavator’s part for a normal locate request do not constitute emergency situations. Penalties may be assessed by the Illinois Commerce Commission, One-Call Enforcement Division for false emergencies.

No Show

A No Show Request is initiated by an excavator through JULIE to inform owners and operators of underground utility facilities notified in a prior locate request who either failed to mark their facilities or communicate their non-involvement with the excavation prior to the requested dig start date and time. Please be specific on which company failed to respond.


An Incomplete Request is initiated by an excavator through JULIE to inform owners and operators of the underground utility facilities notified in a prior locate request that such facility owners or operators, as identified by the person excavating, did not completely mark the entire extent or the entire segment of the proposed excavation as identified by the excavator in the prior notice. Please be specific on which company failed to complete their marking.


A Re-mark Request is initiated by an excavator through JULIE to request owners and operators of the underground utility facilities notified in the initial locate request to Re-mark all or part of the work area identified in the initial locate request because facility markings are becoming or have become indistinguishable due to factors including, but not limited to, weather, fading, construction activity, or vandalism. Excavators should request only the affected areas where excavation or demolition will continue to be Re-marked. Depending on the circumstances, some or all of the previously notified companies will be required to Re-mark within 48 hours of receiving the Re-Mark Request notice.

Joint Meet

A Joint Meet is a meeting to exchange information such as maps, plans or schedules, and to openly discuss the project and work together with the JULIE members and their locators. It is not a locating session. After the Joint Meet, excavators will be required to contact JULIE for a locate request in order to have underground utility facilities marked. Large non-emergency projects may require multiple locating sessions to mark all affected facilities.

Required Information for a Joint Meet

To request a Joint Meet, the following information must be given to the JULIE agent or the request will be suspended:

  1. All counties, cities and/or townships where the work will be performed and
  2. Street names involved in the project
    OR the north, south, east and west boundaries of the project
    OR the section number(s) in which the work will be done

Planning/Design Notification

The Planning/Design Notification request is beneficial for architects, engineers and others who are in the design and planning stage of a project and excavation is not intended in the immediate future.

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