JULIE Before You Dig

Eight Fall Lawn And Garden Cleanup Tips

You work all summer to maintain a healthy lawn and keep your garden in bloom. Autumn is no time to slack off just because temperatures are dropping. In fact, fall is an ideal time for lawn and garden cleaning because the actions you take now will give you a head start for spring. Here are a few fall lawn and garden cleanup tips that are guaranteed keep your yard looking tidy well into winter and give your garden a healthy start for the next growing season.

1. Say Good-Bye To Weeds

Roll up your sleeves and pull those weeds! Remove any other debris, vines, leaf cover, and old plant material from your garden and be sure to remove cages and stakes that once supported your vibrant vegetation. There’s still time to zap weeds in your lawn, too. Unlike in summer when weeds are focusing on top-growth, in autumn they are storing energy in their roots systems and are more susceptible to herbicide applications.

2. Clean And Sanitize Garden Equipment

As part of your fall lawn and garden cleanup, sanitize cages, stakes and other reusable equipment before storing them. Use a bleach water solution to wipe the equipment down and let air dry. Garden tools can easily rust if left out for a long period of time; keep replacement costs down by cleaning and stowing all equipment inside away from harsh elements. Remember—all your garden tools should be securely stored inside a tool shed or garage after each gardening session, anytime of the year.

3. Plant A Cover Crop Or Mulch The Garden

If you’ve decided to not plant anything for fall leading into winter…no problem. Prep your garden plot for the spring by planting a cover crop or laying down mulch. Both provide nutrients and protection to the soil during the cold months. Cover crops are rich in nitrogen and easy to plant. Simply scatter the seeds and water. Clovers, rye grass and barley are all great options, but make sure the cover crop you choose will be tolerant of the winter climate before sowing. Mulch serves the same purpose. Just cover your garden plot with about an inch or two of wood-chip mulch, no need to till. Mulch will ensure that your soil doesn’t wash away, keep moisture within and prevent weeds from haphazardly sprouting while your garden is on a hiatus.

4. Don’t Overlook Your Landscaping

Your lawn and garden cleaning should include tidying up your landscaping. Collect those pesky fall leaves, trim dead limbs and cut back any perennials you have growing. Dead tree limbs can be dangerous during strong winter storms and heavy snow, so trimming them now will eliminate the possibility of a hazardous event occurring. A little pruning of your perennials will allow for healthier more vibrant foliage come spring. Make sure to also remove annuals from garden beds as they can become riddled with pests.

If at any time when doing your fall lawn and garden cleanup you find you need to dig something up—STOP! Make sure you contact JULIE first. JULIE is Illinois’ FREE 24-hour notification service to contact for safe digging. Simply submit an E-Request or call, and JULIE will alert its member utility companies to come mark underground utility lines buried on your property. State law requires the person actually doing the digging contact JULIE at least two business days before starting any excavation. So if you want to work on your project over the weekend, contact JULIE by Wednesday at 4 p.m.

5. Aerate The Lawn

Heavy traffic and use can cause soil to become compacted. If rain begins to stand or pool on the grass, it’s time to aerate. For small yards, a garden fork will do the job; however, consider a walk-behind aerator if you have a large yard. Powered or walk-behind aerators essentially pull out 3-inch deep soil plugs at a much faster pace than a simple garden fork. Either way, perforating your lawn will allow water, air and fertilizer to penetrate deep into the soil resulting in a stronger root system.

6. Feed The Grass

Fall’s cooler temperatures create an ideal setting for your lawn to regain strength while morning dew delivers moisture to help turf absorb nutrients. Fertilizing your grass with a nitrogen rich mix will allow it to build stamina before winter and bounce back quickly after normal wear and foot traffic. Supporting root growth helps revitalize the grass so it returns to that envious rich green color come spring. Select a fertilizer that works specifically for the species of grass in your yard. You can purchase anything from synthetic to organic fertilizers at your local home and garden center. Water a few days before fertilizing and then water a final time after applying the fertilizer, which should be done two to three weeks before the first hard frost.

7. Mow One Last Time

As you’re doing your fall lawn and garden cleanup, you’ll probably notice that the grass is growing at a much slower rate as temperatures drop. You should still cut your lawn—to about two inches. This will reduce the chance of snow mold forming and minimize the risk of fungal diseases. Plus, a freshly mowed lawn looks nice any time of the year.

8. Mulch Around Young Trees And Plants

Refresh and insulate in one easy step by adding mulch to existing beds and around young vegetation. Cover the areas around the plants with about three inches of a wood-chip mulch, which will help to protect new plants during the cold season and prevent water runoff.

Following these eight simple fall lawn and garden cleanup tips can lead to less work and better results next spring.

Safe Digging Tip: Always contact JULIE before you dig to have utility lines on your property located for free by our members. Valuable utility lines may be buried just beneath the surface and hitting one could disrupt critical services, cause serious harm to you or your family, or even result in costly repairs and fines.


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