Supporting Membership To Achieve Safety Goals

Working together, JULIE members are improving the safety of the underground utility infrastructure as well as protecting Illinois communities—preventing damage, reducing service loss, and saving lives. Below are few of the numerous benefits that come with being a JULIE member.
Mapping System
The Newtin Mapping System, the tool utilized during the ticket taking process to show the area of excavation, can potentially reduce the number of non-conflict messages and provide more accurate message delivery to members.
Member Access
Members can easily perform a “ticket search,” view member grids or polygons, ticket delivery parameters and a full member list of company codes and contacts. Ticket search allows a member to search for excavation projects in areas beyond the area of notification. This potentially could provide a more thorough permit enforcement program.
Notification Flexibility
Members can utilize different delivery locations for messages and hold a separate data set. Each member can determine the area of notification and reception method to meet their needs. JULIE’s Member Notification System offers options for off hour notifications.
JULIE’s staff and resources are available to assist and quickly make adjustments to member selections such as area of notification, delivery destinations, contacts and other areas.
Remote Ticket Entry (RTE)
This program allows trained users to submit their own locate requests and receive their valid locate request numbers over the Internet. RTE users receive immediate confirmation of their locate request, a list of involved member utility companies, a printable version of the locate request and access to previously requests.
JULIE employs a lobbyist to monitor pending legislation and ordinances that impact the industry as well as represents JULIE in Springfield.
Public Relations Campaign
JULIE has a comprehensive, statewide public relations and outreach campaign. The media mix includes television and radio commercials, digital ads and public service announcements.
Education and Support
JULIE’s Damage Prevention Managers are available to meet one-on-one with member coordinators or to conduct safety and training presentations to crews and other stakeholders. These managers can also attend community events and open houses. In cooperation with representatives from Staking University (Planet Underground), JULIE supports a series of locate training sessions at different venues across the state.
JULIE’s user friendly website,, is a great tool for our members, providing the latest industry news, calendar of events, contact information and much more.
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