JULIE’s Online Tools Make It Simple And Convenient To Submit Locate Requests 24/7/365 When…
You Can Play A Vital Role In Helping To Protect Your Community Residents in your community engage with you in numerous ways…they may visit your…
Banner Toolkit Hang a banner up outside—tie it to a fence at a work site or your office—or inside at a conference or event and…
Toolkit For Safe Digging Month During National Safe Digging Month in April (NSDM), we work with our partners to launch a statewide public safety and…
Flag Messaging Toolkit Preventing underground utility line damage starts with education. That’s why JULIE has created new artwork for location marking flags and is making…
Locating and Marking Examples The following marking examples illustrate how an owner or operator may choose to mark their underground utility facilities. Additional examples from…
Spread The Safe Digging Message With Educational Resources One of JULIE’s goals is to educate home and land owners, professional contractors and excavators, village officials,…
MARKING TERMS The following marking terms can be utilized when completing your locate request to help describe the area to be located. Area-wise Marking Terms…
Virtual Tool Box Talks Training Credit Hour Information Virtual Toolbox Talks have been approved for IEPA Water and Wastewater training credit hours. Professional Development Hours…
Pre-Mark Your Project State law requires excavators to pre-mark the dig site when practical. Pre-marking is the process of marking the dig area with white…